Where, oh where has my motivation for blogging gone? Here are some highlights of what has gone on this spring...
Pregnancy Update
This week marks the start of the 3rd trimester! Woohoo! Let me check my phone for a current update on our countdown... 2 months, 20 days or 12 weeks. There really hasn't been much to update on. Things have gone so smoothly and the weeks are flying by. I feel good. Baby boy moves ALL the time. Sometimes he gets a little crazy in there and I have Mitchell lean over and talk to him to get him to calm down. It works.
I'm diligently working on his room. I'm afraid I may have waited too long to get started on this stuff because it's difficult for me to hang curtains, change out bedding, measure the crib for a homemade crib skirt, etc. My goal is to get a lot of the big stuff done by June 6th because I'll be heading to Texas for a week and a half and then spending a week volunteering with VBS at my church so it'll be the end of June before I know it.
Once the room is all put together I'll post pictures but until then, it's my little project. :) I did make this nursing cover the other day though. Yay for spending $10 on the materials rather than $30 on a Hooter Hider on Amazon.
Trips to Texas
We went home in April for a baby shower in Grand Prairie with Mitchell's friends and family. We certainly felt the love and were so blessed by the gifts for our little one. I also got to help host a wedding shower for one of my best friends who is getting married in less than 3 weeks now!
A week after we got back to California, Mitchell had to travel down to Southern California for 3 weeks to work on one of their power plants during an outage. Instead of spending 3 weeks in the hot, hot desert or in Sacramento by myself, I went back to Texas and spent time with family. I visited Mitchell for a few days and then we both made our way back to Sacramento.
Cheering on my little sister at her state water polo tournament! |
Liddy after her last high school water polo game with the parents |
Dinner in College Station after Billy's COLLEGE graduation! |
Breakfast with best friends! |
View from Mitchell's hotel down by Palm Springs |
My view while Mitchell worked all day. ;) |
This past Memorial Day weekend, we traveled to north of Lake Tahoe with our "Sacramento family" and rented a massive house for the weekend. With two preggos in the group and 3 little boys, we didn't do anything crazy but had a blast hanging around the house. Crazy story for you... the owner of the house mixed up the weekends we were there and had planned on re-roofing the house while we were there. The owner lives in Washington and had made the trip down just for the purpose of working on the house. He realized his mistake and let us stay in the house anyway and canceled the roofers for Saturday. Well the owner kinda hung around and one time we came home from lunch and found him inside the house using the computer. Then Sunday he was working outside the house installing a de-icing system. After other strange happenings, Sunday night around 11:30pm we realized he had been sleeping at the house the whole weekend in a hide-away room!! What the heck?! Creepy and totally wrong! We decided to stay the night and confront him in the morning but no one slept soundly that night. I was just relieved when we all woke up alive the next morning. Believe me, there will be serious ramifications for this guy once we are through with him. Who does that?? Despite that insanity, we had a fabulous weekend!

Boys going on a Starbucks run |
Yummy breakfast |
Colton Sr and Colton Jr |
Walk in the beautiful Sierra Nevadas |
Watching Arrested Development in the game room in the 3 loveseat recliners |
The owner's lair. One of the little boys accidentally opened a door that had been previously locked exposing the hidden room. |