*It took me about 4 separate writing attempts and 2 weeks to get this post written. Blogging may be on the back burner for awhile...
You probably expect me to say that the past 8 weeks have flown by, but they haven't. I don't remember each week specifically but it's not like Logan's life so far has been so chaotic that I haven't taken the time to savor the moments. I do, however, think that he has grown and changed much faster than I was expecting him to. I don't have my teeny little baby anymore (not that he was ever that teeny). He's definitely "filled out" and has achieved so many milestones.
Slow down, little one! You're changing so fast your mommy doesn't have time to fully absorb each stage.
4 days old |
1 week old - I have no idea why Mitchell
did this to him. |
Chillaxin' - 2 weeks old |
Bath time in the sink! 3 weeks old |
Practicing holding his head up - 3 weeks old |
Listening intently to his Mimi - 5 weeks old |
6 weeks old |
Standing up! 6 weeks old |
Hanging with dad after work - 7 weeks old |
Those eyes!! |
Becoming quite the thumb sucker - 7 weeks |
Being a parent has been more wonderful than I could have imagined and more challenging than I could have imagined. If Mitchell was always around it would be a lot easier but managing an infant by myself during the day is HARD. Luckily Logan is finally starting to learn to take good, long naps by himself but for a little while I was having to hold him to get him to sleep for any decent amount of time. That means no break for mom.
We have been so lucky to have both sets of parents come out to visit us. The biggest blessing from having them here is to watch them love on our baby. I'm starting to learn that one of the best ways to love on me is to genuinely love on my baby. I loved watching our parents be fully absorbed into Logan. To watch them melt at his smiles, laugh at his baby noises and faces and soak up every moment with him. The second biggest blessing from having them here is extra sleeeeeeeep. The hardest time for me to get up with the baby is in the morning. You'd think it would be the 3am feeding but I get to go to sleep after that one. It's the 6-7am feeding that it's "game on" after because now the day has started. So the moms would come get the baby after that one and hang out in the living room so Mitchell and I could get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Also, future mommies out there need to know that postpartum recovery is not easy but IT GETS BETTER. Did you hear that? You WILL get through it. If you know me well, you know that I do not cry easily. The second week of Logan's life I cried every single night. And had anxiety. I've never experienced feelings that you can't just brush off but the anxiety I felt, I couldn't shake. What helped me get through this was developing a bedtime routine for Logan because my anxiety was based around getting through the night. That also gave Mitchell and me a few hours to ourselves, to make life seem a bit normal. Besides the emotional challenges is the physical healing from delivery and establishing nursing. Follow the doctors orders on how to heal best and take advantage of everything the hospital gives you. If something doesn't seem right, call your doctor. And keep in mind that I was pain-free from nursing by 3 weeks. You can do it.
Oh, it also amazes me how cute you think your baby is. I'm convinced Logan is the cutest baby ever. He might not be cute to anyone else but his cuteness melts my heart daily.