At one year old:
Logan weighs 25 lbs, 2 oz and is 31.5" tall.
He is walking, as in "see ya later, mom!"
On his birthday he was not saying any real words yet. (Although that has now changed.)
He sleeps 11-12 hours at night with two naps during the day.
He loves to be outside playing, exploring, climbing, opening and closing things, flipping through books, and pulling everything out of a bin or off a bookshelf or out of the cabinet, etc. He is completely okay with a mess and being messy himself. Pure boy.
He loves his Momma and Dada. It brings me so much joy when he drops everything and runs to Mitchell when he gets home from work.
Our ONE year old |
Turning one is kind of a big deal. That's a major milestone in one's young life. Consider the changes this kid has gone through in such a relatively short time frame...
From this little baby... |
to this big boy! |
This requires quite a bit of celebration!
Our first celebration was with our wonderful play group friends. We had them over to play in our living room (pure fun chaos!), read a birthday book and had cake!
We got to celebrate with a few of Mitchell's coworkers with a fun dinner and swim!
Since we were visiting family in Texas on his actual birthday, we got to celebrate with both sides of the family. First was with my family. My generous brother and sister-in-law offered to host Logan's birthday party at their house. Aunt Kenzie had decorated the house in a circus theme for the birthday and Uncle Ricky grilled delicious hamburgers.
The highlight of the evening was the smash cake. Logan did not disappoint. He was double-fisting the cake to get as much in as possible.
Shortly after this celebration, we went to spend time with Mitchell's family. On Logan's actual birthday, we went and visited Grandpa at work where they were waiting with balloons and a sign. Logan loved getting to meet everyone!
Birthday breakfast! |
Gram hosted a lovely cake and ice cream celebration that night with their friends. Logan had round two of smash cake and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Lastly, we traveled to Disney World two days after his birthday. Logan had a "Happy Birthday" pin button waiting for him at the resort when we checked in. Unfortunately babies and sharp pins do not mix well so Mommy wore the pin for a little bit in the park and it was on the backpack for a bit. Many cast members wished Logan a happy birthday!
Meeting Tinkerbell! |
We are so thankful to all the family and friends who helped us make Logan's first birthday special. Our first year with Logan was FULL. Full of trying times, full of learning, full of joy and mostly, full of love.