Monday, March 19, 2012

Random but awesome!

Sunday after church, Mitchell and I are sitting at home working on things and debating a nap when Mitchell gets a call from our friend, Scott Ellis. Him and our other friend, Kristin Graham are stuck in San Francisco for the night on their way back from East Asia! They wanted to know if we wanted to meet them for dinner! Heck yes!

Mitchell and I hopped in the car at 2:30pm and drove to San Francisco and were there in an hour and a half. We met up with Scott and Kristin and their team and had dinner and Starbucks. The rest of the team was pretty tired from the flights so they went back to the hotel but Kristin and Scott stuck around. It was so great to see them randomly and get to hear about their trip to East Asia and have good conversation with old friends.

Moral of the story: If you are ever stuck in San Francisco, call us and we'll come visit!

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