Can I just say that despite how much we LOVED having people come out to visit this summer we are equally loving the calm that has been September! Our house is just
our house again. We can choose to just stay around Sacramento on the weekends. We can save money and not live like we're on vacation. We can be us. :)
But we are not ones to just sit around idly either. Some fun and exciting things have happened that we'd love to share with you.
Over Labor Day weekend, Old Sacramento was taken over by cowboys and gold miners for the "Gold Rush Days". They brought in tons of dirt to line the streets, horse-drawn carriages, hay, actors in 1840s costumes and performed "gun fights" every 30 minutes. We went down there one evening with our friends to enjoy the festivities.
From L to R: Kim, Casey, Colton Jr., me, Mitchell, Allyson, Michael, Colton Sr. |
Last weekend while we were doing our morning jog on Saturday, we ran across a garage sale that had this adorable wicker loveseat and cute Pottery Barn table out for sale. We have been looking for furniture for our very bare backyard and after discussing the price, knew we had to have it. There will be many mornings and evenings spent out here. :) I'm still working on what color I want to paint the chair.
If we keep that cushion, I'll have to adjust the size to fit.
It was on sale for almost 50% off! |
Also, you probably know that we paid off our last debt and are currently debt free. We started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University through our church to give us some direction for the future. My husband is incredible about planning for the future with our finances. He has wisdom beyond his years.
I started working for the fundraising company and go out every day Tuesday-Friday to different schools in the area and collect kid's orders and hand out prizes. I get calls to substitute 2-3 days a week but haven't been able to do that much yet with the other job. When the fundraising job dies down after October, I hope to be in the classroom more often.
Set up with prizes and ready for the kids to come!
This was not the day that I get all of the prizes out. That is more of a production! |
I have also been doing more sewing projects. I still think all the stuff I make sucks but at least I'm practicing and getting better. Mitchell is very encouraging which is helpful. My poor sister is the recipient of all my novice projects. So far I've made her a purse and a Kindle Fire cover. Ah, someday I will be good at this and thankful that I took the time to learn.
I made the top left eReader cover. |
We are looking forward to going to the East Sacramento Remodeled Homes Tour tomorrow. We live a few blocks away from million dollar homes and we have gone on many a walk in the neighborhood where I have desperately wished I could see inside these homes. Well tomorrow we will! Yay!
Next Friday, the 28th, Alternatives Pregnancy Center where I volunteer will be having a Gala at a hotel downtown. I am super excited about this because it's going to be an incredible night to celebrate what all our ministry does. Plus I was able to invite friends and so we'll have a table full of friends who will get to hear and experience the ministry too.
Good times in California right now :)
Nice work on the cushion! I am in the same situation as you... for every project I have to learn something new (installing a zipper, adding velcro, using interfacing) and usually mess it up the first time. My seam ripper is my most frequently used tool. :)